SoftVision: Linux packages

webPDF Website

Supported distributions and versions
Installation instructions

Important: Before you start installing the webPDF package, always update your Linux system to the latest version. Always use the latest package sources for your Linux distribution.

Supported distributions and versions

webPDF packages are available for the following Linux distributions and versions:

Distribution [1] Supported by...
webPDF 8 webPDF 9 [2] webPDF 10 [3]
Debian Browse Index
11.x "bullseye"
10.x "buster"
9.x "stretch"
8.x "jessie"
Browse Index
12.x "bookworm"
11.x "bullseye"
10.x "buster"
9.x "stretch"
Browse Index
12.x "bookworm"
11.x "bullseye"
10.x "buster"
Ubuntu Browse Index
19.04 "disco"
18.10 "cosmic"
18.04 "bionic"
17.10 "artful"
17.04 "zesty"
16.10 "yakkety"
16.04 "xenial"
15.10 "wily"
15.04 "vivid"
14.10 "utopic"
14.04 "trusty"
Browse Index
23.04 "lunar"
22.10 "kinetic"
22.04 "jammy"
21.10 "impish"
21.04 "hirsute"
20.10 "groovy"
20.04 "focal"
19.10 "eoan"
19.04 "disco"
18.10 "cosmic"
18.04 "bionic"
17.10 "artful"
17.04 "zesty"
16.10 "yakkety"
16.04 "xenial"
Browse Index
24.10 "oracular"
24.04 "noble"
23.10 "mantic"
23.04 "lunar"
22.10 "kinetic"
22.04 "jammy"
21.10 "impish"
21.04 "hirsute"
20.10 "groovy"
20.04 "focal"
RHEL Browse Index
Browse Index
Browse Index
CentOS Browse Index
Browse Index
Stream 9 (9.x)
Stream 8 (8.x)
Browse Index
Stream 9 (9.x)
Stream 8 (8.x)
SLES Browse Index
Browse Index
Browse Index
openSUSE Browse Index
Leap 15.x
Leap 42.x (14.x)
Browse Index
Leap 15.x
Leap 42.x (14.x)
Browse Index
Leap 15.x

Installation instructions

Before you install webPDF for the first time on a new machine, you need to set up the webPDF packages repository. Afterward, you can install and update webPDF from the repository.

Important: All commands below use the Linux "sudo" command. You have to install it first or execute the commands without "sudo" as a root user.

Debian and Ubuntu

The following shows how to install webPDF in Debian or Ubuntu step by step.

Installation requirements:

sudo apt install wget gpg apt-transport-https

To set up the repository, run the following command (using the "buster" Debian distribution as an example in this case):

sudo echo "deb buster non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webpdf.list

Instead of "debian", you can use "ubuntu" or a different distribution such as "buster" if you modify the "deb" entry accordingly

The next step is to import the public key so that you can verify the package:

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Verify that you have the correct key as well:

sudo apt-key fingerprint 9136C597F66E9FB6CABCDBBCC4F2A5DD3AFE7DD4

The output should be:

pub rsa2048 2019-08-20 [SC]
9136 C597 F66E 9FB6 CABC DBBC C4F2 A5DD 3AFE 7DD4
uid [ unknown ] SoftVision Development Packages <>
sub rsa2048 2019-08-20 [E]

To install webPDF, run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install webpdf

RHEL and CentOS

The following shows how to install webPDF in CentOS or Red Hat step by step.1)

Installation requirements:

sudo yum install wget gpg

To set up the repository, generate the /etc/yum.repos.d/webpdf.repo file with the following contents:

name=webPDF Repository

Instead of "centos", you can use "redhat" or a different version such as "7" if you modify the "baseurl" entry accordingly

The next step is to import the public key so that you can verify the package:

sudo wget -P /tmp/

Verify that you have the correct key as well:

sudo gpg --with-fingerprint /tmp/public.gpg

The output should be:

pub  2048R/3AFE7DD4 2019-08-20 SoftVision Development Packages <>
  Key Finger Print = 9136 C597 F66E 9FB6 CABC  DBBC C4F2 A5DD 3AFE 7DD4
sub  2048R/91554528 2019-08-20

Now start the import with the following command:

sudo rpm --import /tmp/public.gpg

To finally install webPDF, run the following commands:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install webpdf

SLES and openSUSE

The following shows how to install webPDF in Suse Linux Enterprise (SLES) or openSUSE step by step.1)

Installation requirements:

sudo zypper install wget gpg

To set up the repository, run the following command:

sudo zypper addrepo --gpgcheck --refresh --check "" webpdf

Instead of "sles", you can use "opensuse" or a different version such as "15" if you modify the "check" entry accordingly

The next step is to get the public key so that you can verify the package:

sudo wget -P /tmp/

Verify that you have the correct key as well:

sudo gpg --with-fingerprint /tmp/public.gpg

The output should be:

pub   rsa2048 2019-08-20 [SC]
uid           SoftVision Development Packages <>
sub   rsa2048 2019-08-20 [E]

Now start the import with the following command:

sudo rpmkeys --import /tmp/public.gpg

To finally install webPDF, run the following commands:

sudo zypper update
sudo zypper install webpdf

1) To install webPDF as an RPM package, the RPM Package Manager version >= 4.11 is required.